(OOC) Hey yall! Welcome to my wow ascension game log. Finally happy to have at least one game log implemented. I still gotta add a custom font. Besides that, the goal of this is to fuck around, give my mmo avatars some life and whimsy, and also to log all my fanart/smut and resources. Some posts will be in character and some won't. I will use the OOC tag at the beginning to make that clear.
I am a simple manwomenthing. I want him to be a slut, but he's got his own slice of life going on. I'm a romance, world building, and intriuge type of girlie. It's also why I love CK3 lol. So personally I want-
But that's all, I probs won't update for a lil bit. I wanna focus on other parts of the sites before I fully dedicate to posting.