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Triple Baka ENG ver out now on Youtube!


K! Is Feeling/Feels The current mood of AAAAKAT at www.imood.com

About me :]

Who are you?

Name is K!/KAT! I'm new to web 1. I love all types of media, I made this site to log that. I also use this to showcase my professional work (Check the portfolio section for that).

What do you do?

I work both as an SFW and NSFW artist. Mainly sfw as of right now. I draw and code games (now sites too ), I also animate in both 2D and 3D, and sometimes make music.


- Woo, been a long ass ride. Now that I got all that done. I wanna focus on finishing projects and expanding my current media. I wanna start listening to new music artist mainly. I'll be taking my time adding the rest of the nav elements, but I still have interest in them. Besides that spreading the word about my site has been going really well. Lots of cool ass people. Cheers to many more :D

- Basically all my main elements are done. The last thing I wanna do is rework the start splash page. I want to move the news section to the splash page but keep the blog section for the main page, so I can just write any personal thoughts or reviews for current media here and keep the two seperate. Plus people can enter when new stuff actually appears. Then I can start uploading projects and getting to work. I still plan on updating the site since it technically isn't fully finished. Just missing the bells and whistles and extra personal stuff but it'll def be on slow down. After the main page I want to work on the husband scrapbook. Which will just be lil shrines and nsfw drawings of fictional men I like. Then after that I basically got everything done. The shrines for games I like can come at any time, and the toybox isn't needed rn since I haven't made any ocs yet. I'm glad I did all this, on a pretty good track so far.

- Added my music and my art portfolio to the nav. (finally!)
- Swapped feb music favs on the main page to the music blog and replaced it with my important vids playlist.

- Got a few things in the works. Now that my work load is lessening I wanna start to shift back to maintaining this site. The main two things I'm eager to get done are the Music and Art Portfolio section. I still gotta maintain the gaming logs because I haven't updated that in a few, but once I finish my few lil projects yall are in for a treat. Stay tune :heart:

- Added tumblr to site. (reminder to upload those r906 blinkies on there asap)

- I recently read 'I love amy'. Pretty banger ngl. Solid 4/5 and def a fav of the year. My only issue is, I gotta bump 'Mom, I'm gay' down to a 3/5 after reading this. I think that I found the protags way more interesting in 'I love Amy'. I honestly really do not remember the names of the main protags in 'Mom, I'm gay' but I remember explicitly asking myself what is the male protags flaw(s) that the narrative specifically challanges, and personally coming up with nothing. I actually liked the best friend more, then our main man. Back to the point 'I Love Amy' is for the tumblr bitches that love taking coke and crack (fics in their nogen), but want to explore a lil inside eachother. That aren't afraid to reckon with mental disease being apart of everyday life in our world and their whimsy ass world where being kidnapped is the punchline. tea.

- Synth V 2 is nexttt, can't wait to see Kiyo!


- Bitch I am geeking so fucking hard rn. Been wanting to do this ever since teto dropped. Can't wait to do my thang. Also hii rugal shemeji. Imma show off my all my desktop babys to yall one day.


- Lowkey this has been a long ass journey lol. This tired me the fuck out but I'm glad I tried. I've been sick for a bit so that's also why the news/blog seems to have strung along despite me making changes during the time gap.
I think I feel a tiny bit overwhelmed, I'm kinda juggling a lot and preparing for my goals and ideas. This site has been a big hurdle for that, since I wanted a centralized place for the shit I want and enjoy without worrying about too many outside factors or worrying about appeasing a certain type of audience.
Although, one day I would like to break off from neocities and just have my own domain and everything so I can fr live that web 1 "you own everything" type of jush.
I love media, and I wanna continue to explore and make this my little media scape, fantasy, fritos, pretty feet, cpr, moment. Speaking of which, I wanna expand my site to host all my fav media. You'll see that later down the line.
Anyways my next media exploration is music and reading. Now that I'm going less hard on the site, it's the perfect time. I also wanna try and make my own music butt we shall see idk.

- Woo, a lot has changed. Been in a hunker down mood.

- Home page is fully complete. I have all the features I wanted, and I think it looks great without being too wonky. It'll fucking do.
- The gaming section under gaming logs in the nav menu now works. The other buttons still do not work. I focused on the gaming logs first since giving each of my niches a themed page can take a bit. Next button I will implement will be my portfolio.
- Added Wow Acsension to my gaming logs. You can also click on it in current media.
- Added 'High School Boy' to want to read


- Lowkey I'm thinking of playing city of heroes again.

- Now I can actually focus on the community section. Then the main page will be done (besides filling in the info). This has def been a journey but it seems I'm getting the hang of things. We'll see later today.

- Reformatted almost all elements to somewhat fit other resolutions
- Took out the chat box, since I felt like it was a bad idea letting randoms vandalise my page. If you want to send any messages use my guest book or aim. If anything you can also just ask for the discord (ChivaNet/retroaol on github).


- Next step is a community section. Then the main page is basically done.

- Finished youtube embed. Made it a recommendation section for accessibility sake since someone brought it up. Also figured out that apng is a thing so added a lil maple story ref.


- I def want to dedicate more time to learning html, javascripting has def stumped me in terms of my limits and I've only been learning html for like maybe 2 or 3 weeks but it's not an excuse to fail neow :salute:.
Also If you scroll in the current media tab you can see I finished 'Mom, I'm gay' by Boreum. Pretty good overall! There's a lot to cover, but I think it does a good job of covering this specific perspective.

- Added background music, but autoplay is disabled until I can get the volume lowered automatically. I think it looks great tho,just gotta adjust the size so raven isn''t getting covered lol
- Added Music and reading Section in current media
- Extended navigation bar and added link names (links not implemented yet)


- Fixed Current media tab with the help of @_hatmad advice and @saltydracon's base code. Please check them out, cause I was ripping my hair out doing this solo :sob:
- Switched to visual studio fuck phoenix code!!1
- hid overflow scroll on x axis on most elements


- Implemented Current Media tab using the base code from here.
- Missing one game in long term category (Style Savvy) and need to iron out bugs with tooltip
- Next big step is video embed, community tab for my buttons and shareables
- current media is broken idfk I hate html this shit is just tedious and my code won't work when I want it to


- Edited Almostsweets Gold In Grey template (sure yall already know about this but check em out).
- Added a status update
- overflow to navigation
- news section (hi :wave:)
- Added position css attribute to neccesary elements.
- Edited div layouts
- Added chatbox





Current Media


Trying to Finish

Tomb Raider I-III RE
TombRaider I-III RE
Disco Elysium
Elden Ring


Marvel VS Capcom 3: Clone Engine
Marvel VS Capcom 3: Clone Engine


Amarillos Butt Slapper
Amarillos Butt Slapper
Hatsune Miku Project Diva
Hatsune Miku Project Diva Mega Mix Modded
Project Zomboid
Project Zomboid
Brain Age: Concentration Training
Brain Age: Concentration Training
Style Savvy Series
Style Savvy Series
The Sims
2 & 3
The Sims 2 & 3


FusionFall Retrobution
FusionFall Retrobution
ToonTown Corporate Clash
Toontown Corporate Clash
Path of Exile
Phantasy Star Online BB Ultima
PSO Blue Burst
Monkey Quest Reborn
Monkey Quest Reborn
WOW Accension
WOW Accension

Old Gen



Radiata Stories
Radiata Stories

Want to Watch

Baby Assassins 3 Nice Days
Baby Asassasin 3 Nice days



2025 Fav Artist

2025 Fav EPS

2025 Fav Albums

Baby Asassasin 3 Nice days

Want to read

Iron Widow Series
Iron Widow Series
High School Boy
High School Boy

Read in 2025

I love, Amy
I Love, Amy
Mom, I'm gay.
Mom, I'm gay

Favs of 2025

I love, Amy
I Love, Amy
Important Videos